A Giant Python Swallows A Kangaroo. A Ranger From Australia Captured The Breathtaking Moment With His Camera!

A ranger in northern Australia has witnessed an incredible scene while patrolling the Nitmiluk National Park, and had the presence of mind to photograph the entire moment.
Paul O’Neill stumbled upon a giant python wrapped around a young wallaby while patrolling the park. The forester pulled out his camera as soon as the giant snake began to swallow the poor kangaroo.
Greg Smith, National Park biologist, said that the python will completely digest the small kangaroo in approximately 7 days. This meal will keep the python feeling full for at least a month. “There are snakes searching for food even if they had recently ate, as they can store their food for as long as 3 months,” said the biologist.

Source: buzzfed.com







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