After 34 Years Together, Goldie Hawn & Longtime Partner Kurt Russell Announce Life Changing News

In the world of celebrity and fame, break-ups, make-ups, and hook-ups are as frequent and ubiquitous as the waves in an ocean!
There are however a few stars who seem to have escaped the Hollywood curse eventually to find a truly happy life filled with people they love and cherish along with a successful career.

Goldie Hawn and Kurt Russell are one of those rare couples in Hollywood whose relationship has managed to withstand the test of time. The two have been together for more than three decades now, and their love is still growing strong.
The two met in 1983, and they have been inseparable ever since. They both have the experience of a failed marriage, so they’ve come to truly appreciate the meaning of family. Together, they raised four kids who have also become famous actors in Hollywood: Boston, Oliver, Kate, and Wyatt.

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